Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Lazy doodles........Extremely lazy doodle.

I miss playing WoW... the few times that I've played. Which isn't much. Oh well.

The drawing above was a random doodle of an elf.
The one on the right was done with the intention of being a night elf, but I was unsure of what markings they had on their faces, since I don't play that often.

I realize her torso and her armor are terrible... I was busy watching television with my friends ... excuses.



  1. XD you silly oaf. Why don't you start playing again? It doesn't hurt to play a little I'm sure...

  2. Hahahaha It's 15 bucks a month to play. I don't knooooooooooowwwwwww. Shouldn't I be drawing more instead? x:

  3. Of course! Drawing will help you get to where you want faster than actually playing these silly gameses.. XD Call me if you want to hang out today.
