I'm not sure what to say.
I've found myself enamored with the Nickelodeon "Avatar: the last airbender" series.
It's such a cute cartoon!
So, like many fans, I drew some fan art of myself as an earthbender. (I got so lazy with the actual earth part though. HOORAY.)
Why did I choose earthbending? I'm not sure, I like how 'sturdy' and 'solid' it is. Besides. Bending metal (Ore?) Is pretty cool too.
So I pretty much ripped off Toph's outfit.

Different with only a few minor (very minor) details. But I figure it would be what most earthbenders wore? I don't know.
The pose is based off an actual Kung Fu Pose.

The legs were originally mirrored (like the above image, a horse stance), but I decided to extend the other leg. In the actual series, they mention "shift your weight into the bending'' or whatever.
So I took it upon myself to 'Earth bend'.
I went from a standing position and stomped down as if I could somehow raise up a wedged piece of earth.
I found it more plausible and more 'forceful' to stand in a position with a leg out. Especially if one were to shift their weight 'forward'.
I realize that her hand is at an abnormal angle.
I felt that something as forceful as 'earth bending' would require a lot of 'forceful
movements'. If her hand were to be stuck flat with the palm upwards, and given that her hand controlled the 'earth'- than doing a forceful flip upwards with a flat palm; the hand would be at that harsh 90 degree angle. (Although the feet and arms are still amateurishly drawn.)
I got lazy with the actual 'rock' though. I'll fix it later.
I sure hope that this is what concept artists do. Think by using the logic of the 'fantasy world' they're designing for.
However. If I'm up to it, I'll draw my friends as 'benders' as well, using what Kristen drew as a reference. (She drew us: Me, Emily and Kenny -as well as herself- as benders. And assigned each one an element.)
Tired now. Just had an eventful night watching a DCI show.
The Bluecoats were amazing, as usual. There were a few people who were familiar enough with DCI and "blooooooo'd" them when they marched out (including moi) and the concept caught on throughout the crowd and in the end everyone started 'bloooo-ing' them.
The Phantom Regiment was great. The Blue Star and Boston Crusaders were really theatrical, the guard was. a-maaazing.
A relatively exciting day.