Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Second Installment

Sloppy drawing number 2!


I've always wanted to influence someone.
With the recent, badly drawn (purposely mind you) comics I've been developing. I find that people rather enjoy these snippets depicting certain situations in my life.
People tell me that they make them laugh, and that honestly makes me feel so happy.

One of my friends, Kenny Heidenreich took one of my comics and turned it into a quick animation. Check out his website, from there you can access his blog, twitter, facebook as well as his youtube account (where he puts up the majority of his work). He's very talented with animation and 3d. Go! http://www.kennethheidenreich.com/

I'd like to mention that I was brought onto this notion to do stick figure comics -not because the internet is littered with them- but specifically because I had recently came across a blog where this amazing person would blog about her life with little drawings. Please check out her blog, its really rib cracking hilarious: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/

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